Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Fire: Discovering Your WHY

As a culinary artist, philosopher, lecturer and a seasoned food and beverage entrepreneur, I feel a deep responsibility to share the life-changing power of finding your “why” with others on a similar journey. Time and again, I’ve witnessed how a clear, compelling sense of purpose can transform lives and businesses, propelling individuals towards success against all odds.

During my journey, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of finding your “why” – that deeper purpose and driving motivation that sets your soul ablaze. When I first launched my first venture, I was fueled by a burning desire to redefine the learning and dining experience and for people seeking enjoyment in life through cooking. That unwavering “why” is what carried me through the endless obstacles, the late nights, and the moments of self-doubt.

Your “why” is the wellspring of passion that will sustain you, nourish your creativity, and give you the courage to take bold, calculated risks. Embrace it, nurture it, and let it be the guiding light that illuminates your path to entrepreneurial success. This, my friends, is where the magic happens. So, dig deep, uncover your “why,” and watch your entrepreneurial flame ignite with unstoppable force.

點燃您的創業之火: 發現您的WHY

身為美食藝術家、哲學家、講師和身經百戰的企業家,我深感有責任與其他人分享找到「WHY 」這種改變人生的力量。我一次又一次地見證了清晰、令人信服的目標感是如何改變生活和事業,推動個人排除萬難邁向成功的。

在我的旅程中,我見證了找到「WHY 」的轉變力量 – 那個更深層次的目的和驅動力,讓您的靈魂燃燒。當我第一次創業時,我有一個熾熱的願望,就是重新定義學習和用餐體驗,讓人透過煮食尋找生活中的樂趣。正是這個堅定不移的 「WHY 」,讓我克服了無盡的障礙、熬夜和自我懷疑的時刻。

您的 「WHY 」是支持您、滋養您的創意,並給您勇於冒大膽、經過深思熟慮的風險的熱情泉源。擁抱它、培育它,讓它成為照亮你創業成功之路的指路明燈。朋友們,這就是神奇發生的地方。所以,深入挖掘,找出你的 「WHY 」,看著你的創業火焰以不可阻擋之勢燃起。

Maggie Chiang
Culinary artist, philosopher, lecturer and a seasoned food and beverage entrepreneur

Date: 2025-01-10 06:49 am