Maquette – a place to share passion

Dear Maquette Family

Today the 19th October is the start of a new direction for Maquette, we are not closing our doors, instead we are embracing a new approach to how we cook and engage with our diners.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every single person who has shaped and made Maquette what it is today – it has been a lot of hot, hard work and the fulfilment of the greatest joy and passion! And you are all part of that. Thank you.

In keeping with a sense of fun and playfulness (key philosophies is everything we do) Maquette will shift from a restaurant space to a more studio-like one, focusing on catering, culinary art projects, collaborations with different brands, cooking classes and private dinners. 

There will be no fixed opening hours and our website and Facebook page will be the place to find out about upcoming events. Special menus, working with locals, we have a number of ideas up our sleeves…

Our aim is to push boundaries, explore possibilities and create the best experiences possible for those who walk through our doors. As a chef this allows me greater opportunity to engage with my diners, and greater opportunity to explore my creativity.  A perfect combination. 

Maquette has always been a place to share passion, it will continue to grow in that direction. We look forward to delighting you, and being delighted by you. 


我們希望藉此感謝一直協助Maquette成長的每一位。過程中的苦與樂,每一點每一滴都全賴有你,Maquette 在此衷心致謝。

在保留我們歡快調皮的核心哲學的同時,Maquette 將由餐廳轉型成工作室,專注於餐飲供應、美食藝術、品牌合作、烹飪教授及私房晚宴等。

從此Maquette 沒有固定的營業時間。我們的FACEBOOK 專頁將會公佈Maquette 的最新動態。特製菜式、與本地創意合作,我們正密鑼緊鼓籌備當中……



Date: 2016-10-19 07:16 am