Our Pride – 2015 Excellence Award of “Young Entrepreneur”

Thank you Business Awards of Macau for this recognition which motivates me and my team to reach new heights, achieve bolder goals, and inspire more people around us.

I am grateful for all the efforts my team has contributed all these days. They are the best people carrying out Maquette ‘s and La Magie’s Core Value – Happiness.  It’s the happiness within them that create heartfelt dishes, it’s the happiness within them that carries out a personalised comfortable services for our customers and it’s all these happy energies that bring each of our customer great an memorable experience.

Thank you each of you for your continuous support upon Maquette and La Magie along our culinary exploration journey.  We will continue to work out our best to impress every Maquette ‘s and La Magie’s customer with ‘taste’ !



同時亦非常感謝同事們一直以來的努力,他們總是完美體現出 Maquette 和 La Magie 的核心價值――歡樂:是他們的歡樂使我們的菜式充滿誠意,亦是他們的歡樂為我們的客人帶來貼心舒適的服務,而正正是這種歡樂的能量,讓我們每位客人留下深刻的美味體驗。

感謝各位一直以來支持Maquette 和La Magie,讓我們的美食探索旅程更加精彩。您們的支持讓我們不斷全力以赴,繼續為每位客人創造出動人的美味回憶!

Date: 2015-11-30 08:02 am